Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A new website. A new cart. I need a vacation.

I'm sure you have noticed the new website. It's going through a bit of a change...

The cart is almost ready to roll. That will make ordering easier!

Free delivery is still offered for orders over $30 in Bristol and Plymouth Counties. For those of you out of that area, you can drop by to pick them up or I can Priority Mail them to you. Why use mail? Well, it's actually cheaper and more environmentally friendly than me getting in my car or hiring a courier to drive them to you. And when they are mailed from close by, you'll get them in a day or two at most. How can it be environmentally friendly? Well, everyone gets mail, right? So why not have them deliver your Snowflake goods with your mail?

What's been baking? Well, we are in the home stretch on developing a chocolate biscotti. The official taste tester team (say that three times) gave it a sort of thumbs up. A couple of tweaks, another go round, and you should see them soon! They are topped with white chocolate and peppermint, and begged to be eaten with hot chocolate!

It looks like there might be a couple of flakes coming our way soon! Keep your eye to the sky!